Strolling Entertainment
In addition to the show itself, the Top Hat Side Show performers are also available before and after the event to provide roving acts throughout the event. Before the show, the performers can entertain while also adding hype and excitement for the upcoming production. After the show the performers can keep the high-energy atmosphere while giving guests a chance to meet the performers and ask questions. For longer events, performers can be scheduled for multiple shows with strolling in between sets, creating a continuous block of entertainment.
The Top Hat Sideshow is completely customizable to fit any event, and can be choreographed to any length from two hours or more down to even just a single 3 minute act. The standard three-performer show is approximately 90 minutes, and the four-performer version of the show is typically 90-120 minutes in length. For clients looking for multiple shows in a single day, we can arrange the show into multiple shorter shows to reduce or eliminate repeated acts.
Our festival package includes up to 8 hours of performance: three to five 30-45 minute shows with strolling entertainment between shows.